15 Top AdSense Alternatives for Blog Monetization

15 Top AdSense Alternatives for Blog Monetization

Ask any novice blogger about their monetization strategy, and you’re likely to hear ‘AdSense’. However, seasoned bloggers often respond with ‘It varies’. Your monetization approach hinges on your blog’s niche, its identity, target audience, and more. While AdSense remains a staple for many blogs worldwide, diversification is key! Here, we present the 15 best AdSense alternatives offering superior payouts, minimal traffic requirements, and swift approval. Without further ado, let’s explore the top AdSense alternatives in 2022 to monetize your blog.

If you’re a blogger seeking enhanced website monetization beyond Google AdSense, consider Media.net. This platform offers CPM, CPC, and Display ads, sourcing relevant contextual ads from Yahoo! and Bing Network. As a publisher, sign up, select your Display ad units, and opt for displaying contextual, relevant ads from various brands.

1. Media.net

Media.net stands out as a top alternative to AdSense, providing CPM, CPC, and Display ads for blog and website monetization. It delivers contextual ads from Yahoo! and Bing Network, allowing publishers to select and display relevant ads from numerous brands.

Media.net offers a vast advertisement pool, mobile ads, enhanced ad control, analytics, and more. The minimum payout threshold is $100, with payment options including PayPal or wire transfer.

While it doesn’t require a specific daily traffic level for website approval as a Publisher, having some traffic from UK/US/Canada is preferable. Prohibited content includes illegal or adult content, drug or alcohol promotion, etc. Consider this network for improved CPM rates and targeted ads.

2. BuySellAds

BuySellAds, a premier agency akin to AdSense, facilitates the sale of your website’s advertisement spots to major brands. The network is free to join but highly selective, requiring substantial daily visitors and website traffic for approval. They levy a 25% commission on your website’s earnings. You retain control over which ad units to sell and their pricing.

BuySellAds doesn’t impose a monthly payout threshold. You can withdraw earnings to your PayPal account twice a month. Higher traffic, clean content, and a strong online publishing history could lead to quick approval to their network. This isn’t suitable for new bloggers. The minimum payout threshold is $20.

3. PropellerAds

PropellerAds is rapidly growing, with many publishers opting for its ad network over Google AdSense. Its standout feature is the background ad, which appears after the user navigates away or closes the window, enabling large-screen ads to reach a wide audience. If you find this approach too aggressive for your website, you have the option to display traditional ads such as banners, native ads, and video ads.

If you seek push notification support, ProPellerAds offers it and seamlessly integrates with your content. Unlike Google Adsense, the minimum payout is just $5, with no minimum traffic requirement to start your ad campaign. PropellerAds drives significant revenue for both old and new websites due to its flexible requirements and extensive ad network.

4. Monumetric

If you have decent traffic but your AdSense account isn’t approved by Google due to metrics, Monumetric is a solution. With 10,000 monthly views, you can start your Monumetric account and ad campaign immediately. Monumetric serves high-quality targeted ads relevant to your content.

Google AdSense and similar services utilize CPC or CPM models for monetization. In contrast, Monumetric employs a distinct CPI (Cost per Impression) model, compensating websites solely for ad views. Despite CPI yielding different revenue from CPC, its highly-relevant ads foster engaging interactions with viewers. Additionally, the minimum payout is merely $10, as opposed to AdSense’s $100, which is advantageous.

5. AdMaven

For a robust AdSense alternative with diverse premium advertising solutions, consider AdMaven. Like AdSense, AdMaven enables creation of multiple ad formats for websites, spanning platforms, browsers, and devices. Expand your website’s reach globally with AdMaven’s comprehensive coverage. Boost daily revenue by connecting with relevant ads and selecting profitable formats. AdMaven offers various ad formats including Pop under, push notifications, in-page push, and more.

AdMaven operates on a managed self-service mode, offering support when needed. It includes an ad-block bypass feature, enabling ads to bypass blockers. You can select from various payment methods such as PayPal, Payoneer, bank wire transfer, and Paxum. This allows serving targeted ads to users from thousands of advertisers, generating high revenue. AdMaven prioritizes maintaining a great user experience on your website, using proprietary tech to keep its ad network clean by removing unsuitable ads and malware, ensuring visitors feel welcome.

Don’t wait! Sign up on AdMaven now for optimal ROI and high CPM. For effective results, AdMaven stands as the ultimate optimization expert in the industry.

6. Sovrn (Formerly VigLink)

While you’ve likely heard of text link ads, Sovrn (formerly VigLink) elevates text-linking and affiliate programs. Sovrn enables users to insert affiliate links directly into content rather than merely displaying random ads. These links lead to affiliate products, earning you commissions on each purchase. Sovrn emerges as a strong alternative to AdSense.

Sovrn doesn’t impact SEO and lets you select your own products for promotion, making earning effortless. Commission rates vary, ranging from 3-4% to 50%, depending on the product. The minimum payment threshold is $10 monthly, with payments exclusively through PayPal.

7. Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates, a prime AdSense alternative, allows you to market a plethora of products. With Amazon’s global presence, finding locally relevant products to promote on your site or blog is a breeze. Associates earn up to 9% commission on product sales generated through their website or blog.

To begin, register on their website, select products to promote, and add relevant widgets or banner ads. Alternatively, link to products with in-line text. Detailed reporting tracks Amazon Affiliate offerings, with a minimum payment threshold of $10 (Rs. 2500 in India).

15 Top AdSense Alternatives for Blog Monetization

8. BidVertiser

BidVertiser operates as a bidding-style campaign for advertisement spots. Unlike Google AdSense, it sells ad space for a bid. The highest bidder secures the space in real-time, ensuring relevant, targeted ads generate sales.

Earn more with ease, surpassing traditional ad networks. Wondering about the minimum payout? Just $10 per month, withdrawable via PayPal.

9. SHE Media

For a woman-centric blog, SHE Media is a superior choice over Google AdSense or other ad networks. Specializing in all things women, from fashion to travel, SHE Media links you with numerous female-focused advertising partners for heightened website visibility. Enhance your ability to convert clicks into sales, particularly among female audiences.

Having said all of that, a few requirements need to be fulfilled. Your website or blog must have over 20,000 views per month, and 70% of all visitors should be female. SHE Media does not disclose the payout amount, but it can transfer the money through PayPal or direct deposit. For blogs and websites catering to women, SHE Media is a great place to start earning revenue.

10. ylliX

For new publishers, ylliX is the perfect place to start placing ads on your website and earning money off your blog. It offers everything you want, including banner ads, push notifications, pop-ups, in-app ads, and more. The best part is that there is no traffic requirement at all, and the minimum payout amount is just $1, perfect for new publishers.

YlliX swiftly approves applications, a remarkable trait. For new publishers seeking an AdSense alternative, ylliX stands out as the best option.

11. Revcontent

For websites garnering over 50,000 monthly hits, Revcontent offers higher payments compared to Google AdSense. It prioritizes publishers with quality content that aligns with its advertisers’ needs.

On Revcontent, click-to-sale conversion rates are notably high due to the company’s meticulous advertiser selection process. Engagement levels peak on Revcontent thanks to its seamless integration of native ads with content, resulting in a wholly organic appearance. The minimum payout rate stands at $50 per month.

12. Apple Services Performance Partners

If you operate a blog or website focused on Apple or its products, the Apple Services Performance Partners program (formerly iTunes Affiliates) is more effective than Google AdSense. This program allows anyone with a top-level domain to sell Apple products such as Apple Music, Movies, Books, and apps on their website. You can place links and widgets on your site to earn a commission when a sale is made within 24 hours after clicking the link.

The commission rate varies for different products, but a widely accepted rate is 7%. The minimum payment threshold is $30 for US-based affiliates and $50 worldwide. Payments are wire transferred to your bank account 90 days after initiation.

13. Outbrain

Outbrain offers a premier content syndication platform for publishers and advertisers. With over 80% of top brands utilizing Outbrain and reaching over 561 million users monthly, it’s a trusted choice. This network is highly exclusive, requiring a minimum of 10 million unique pageviews per month for acceptance.

Outbrain is not fully transparent regarding its payment methods and minimum payout thresholds for partners. However, rest assured, it provides the highest payout rates among content syndication platforms.

14. Taboola

Taboola, a major competitor to Outbrain, offers similar content syndication services. It requires a minimum of 1 million unique pageviews per month for acceptance. CPC ads appear as sponsored content below your posts, linking to over 1,000 well-recognized brands.

Like Outbrain, Taboola lacks transparency regarding payment modes and minimum payout thresholds. These details are only available to exclusive publishers, but you can expect a good payout rate.

15. Accept Donations

Consider PayPal Donation Buttons as your final option for earning spare cash online. However, use them cautiously. Only incorporate Donation buttons if your website offers unique, high-quality content and refrains from displaying ads. Take inspiration from Brain Pickings, a website that relies solely on Donation buttons, devoid of intrusive ads, while consistently delivering exceptional content.

If your website offers valuable content and refrains from bombarding users with ads, consider adding a Donation button. Allow your loyal readers to contribute towards your efforts, perhaps covering the cost of your evening coffee!

Top Alternatives to AdSense Handpicked for 2022

Here are our top picks for AdSense alternatives. Even if you’re a new blogger with modest traffic, you can begin monetizing your content. We’ve included ad networks like Google AdSense suitable for all types of publishers. That concludes our recommendations. If you’re seeking the best alternative to Hootsuite, refer to our linked article. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.