Top 10 Loki Comic Storylines (Ranked)

Top 10 Loki Comic Storylines (Ranked)

With Loki’s return in season 2 of Tom Hiddleston’s breakout series on Disney Plus, there’s serious hype around the character. While Loki has become a beloved MCU series, many are unaware of his impact on the Marvel Comic Universe. Today, I’ll share my top 10 favorite Loki comic storylines. So, let’s dive in!

10. Avengers #1

In this comic series, Loki frames the Hulk for a train wreck, leading the Avengers to perceive Hulk as a threat. However, Loki is later revealed as the true enemy, prompting Hulk to join forces with the Avengers against him. Despite its age, this comic remains one of the best involving Loki as a villain.

9. Siege

Norman Osborn invades Asgard under Loki’s influence, prompting the Avengers, including Thor, to intervene. Siege serves as the culmination of storylines from previous runs such as The House of M, Avengers: Disassembled, and Secret Invasion.

If you’re not into comics and know the plots of those mentioned, I wouldn’t recommend reading this. But if you’re up for some research beforehand, dive right in.

8. Vote Loki

Vote Loki is a short-run comic about Loki using trickery and deception to run for president of the United States. It satirizes the political scenario of 2016 and diverges from traditional superhero comics.

What makes this comic special is that the Vote Loki variant appears in Loki Season 1. It’s sarcastic, satirical, and enjoyable.

7. Thor and Loki: Blood Brothers

If you seek a comic that delves into Loki’s perspective, “Thor and Loki: Blood Brothers” is your destination. It centers on their eternal conflict, but from Loki’s viewpoint. The narrative vividly portrays Loki’s struggle under Thor’s shadow and Odin’s favoritism towards Thor.

The comic also explores the complex dynamic between Loki and Thor. Despite their constant conflict, they share a sibling bond infused with both rivalry and compassion, albeit to an extreme degree.

6. Frog of Thunder

Frog of Thunder is a unique storyline within Loki comics, featured in The Mighty Thor #364-366 or Volume 4 of The Mighty Thor. Thor is transformed into a frog and battles various villains, notably Loki.

Marvel has few superheroes depicted as amphibians, making this comic special. This version of Thor briefly appears in Loki Season 1, offering an intriguing clash with Loki.

Top 10 Loki Comic Storylines (Ranked)

5. Journey Into Mystery: Fear Itself

This Loki comic run showcases kid Loki as an anti-hero in action. The story unfolds during Thor’s captivity by the Serpent, amidst a deadly war in Asgard between Odin and the Serpent. Loki dies and is reborn as a child on a mission to rescue Thor from the underworld.

Kid Loki, a beloved variant since his debut in Loki Season 1, stands out as one of the most intriguing from a comic perspective. Previously a pure villain, his rebirth sparks a transformation, imbuing him with a newfound compassion and a perpetual inner conflict between right and wrong. Dive into this series, and you’ll undoubtedly be captivated by this rendition of Loki.

4. Diversions and Misdirections

This comic features Loki’s most intricate plot against Thor yet. In Thor#12, Loki allies with Hela to seek revenge on Thor, traveling back in time to manipulate events and gain advantage over him.

He even sabotages the time when Odin adopted Loki, leading to his original father’s demise at Odin’s hands. It’s a compelling narrative that grips you from start to finish.

3. Young Avengers: Style > Substance

This storyline depicts the emergence of the Young Avengers, a new team of Earth’s heroes. A former adversary of Loki resurfaces, prompting him to unite with the young heroes.

Additionally, Wiccan conjures a villainous entity called Mother. Since this team of superheroes are teenagers, they have to navigate a different set of problems while attempting to eliminate a greater threat.

2. Loki: Agent of Asgard

Loki: Agent of Asgard is a non-linear comic where Loki operates as a secret agent for Asgard. These missions vary and can include heists in the Avengers tower or locating a hidden magical sword in Asgard.

This comic is essential for Loki fans, as it inspired concepts for the Loki series. It features encounters between Loki and his variants, which adds depth, especially for viewers of Loki season 1.

1. Trials of Loki

In this four-part comic series, we gain insight into Loki’s character. Initially exiled from Asgard, the comics delve into his backstory, including flashbacks to his adoption by Odin and the near-possession of Thor’s hammer.

Additionally, Hela is introduced, revealing her striking similarities to Loki. For those seeking to understand Loki’s character without delving into Norse literature, this comic series is ideal.