Effortless Instagram Mass Unfollowing

Effortless Instagram Mass Unfollowing

If you’re active on Instagram, chances are, your follower list includes profiles you’d rather remove. While Instagram’s official apps serve well, they lack the feature to mass unfollow. Instead, each unfollow must be done manually, consuming valuable time. Yet, there’s a solution. Discover how to swiftly unfollow multiple users with just a few taps on both Android and iOS:

Numerous apps on the iOS App Store and the Play Store claim to facilitate mass unfollowing on Instagram. Yet, my preferred tool for this purpose is InstaClean. Below are the steps to mass unfollow users on Instagram using InstaClean:

Mass Unfollow Users on iPhone/iPad

  • Download the InstaClean free app from here and open it. Tap “Login with Instagram”, and enter your Instagram credentials. Then, tap “Log in”.
  • Once inside the app, you’ll see a list of users you follow. Simply tap their profile icon to select them. After selecting, tap the “tick” icon in the top right to open options and choose “Unfollow”.
  • Confirm unfollowing by tapping “Unfollow”.
  • The app will then unfollow the selected users from your Instagram account. After completion, you’ll see a list of users you still follow. If you’ve unfollowed everyone, the screen will be blank.

Although the app works great, note that in its free version, you’re limited to just 50 actions. To unlock more, you’ll need to purchase the app, which costs a one-time fee of $2.99.

Effortless Instagram Mass Unfollowing

Mass Unfollow Users in Instagram on Android

  • Download the InstaClean app from here and open it. When you open the app, log in to your Instagram account. Enter your credentials and tap “Sign in”.
  • After logging in, you’ll see a list of all the users you follow. Simply check the box next to each user to select them. Once you finish selecting, tap the “tick” icon in the top-right corner to unfollow them.
  • After pressing the tick icon, the app will unfollow all selected users. Once finished, the main screen will refresh, showing the remaining users you follow.

Compared to the iOS version, InstaClean on Android is free for unlimited usage.

Mass Unfollow on Instagram

If your feed is cluttered with people you no longer wish to follow, individually selecting each one can be tedious. These apps come in handy to help you easily mass unfollow users on Instagram. Share your experiences with the Instagram app and how these apps helped you remove unwanted posts from your feed in the comments below.