Deciphering One Piece’s Marine Ranking System

Deciphering One Piece's Marine Ranking System

While in reality, the Marines are often portrayed as paragons of justice, the dynamic shifts in the world of One Piece. Here, pirates seize the spotlight, relegating the Marines to the role of antagonists throughout many popular story arcs. Nonetheless, not all Marine officers embody moral depravity; characters like Garp and Tashigi illustrate exceptions to this narrative. While justice remains a multifaceted concept within the Marines, our focus lies elsewhere today. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Marine ranking system in One Piece, elucidating the diverse ranks and responsibilities that underpin law enforcement in a realm where pirates reign supreme.

Marine Ranks in One Piece: A Guide (2023)

Spoiler Warning: This article contains spoilers about the story and the Marine characters in One Piece. We suggest you watch the anime or read the manga first to avoid ruining the intended experience.

Who Are the Marines in One Piece?

In the One Piece universe, the World Government stands tall, overseeing the creation of a military sea force—the Marines. Their primary goal is to maintain law, order, and peace on the seas threatened by pirates.

The Marines perform military operations, maintain international security, and enforce law. They operate from a central headquarters and several bases scattered across the seas, collectively known as the Three Great Powers in the One Piece world. Despite being associated with justice, they are portrayed as antagonists in the series and movies. Similar to real-world military organizations, the Marines in One Piece feature a detailed hierarchy, as outlined in this article.

Marines Ranking in One Piece (High to Low)

The Marines have their ranking system, a simple hierarchical structure explained by One Piece manga author Eiichiro Oda in SBS interviews. Let’s explore their ranks.

Below are the Marine ranks in One Piece, listed from highest to lowest. This approach reveals the power and contributions of each rank:

Marine Rank System by Author Oda (SBS – Vol 8)

Commissioned Marine Officers

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (Fandom)

Commissioned Marines Officers (Kaigun Shōkō) are the elite of the Marines. Each role in this division holds leadership responsibilities with subordinates to execute orders. There are 11 ranks from Fleet Admiral to Ensign, indicative of power levels within the Marines. The Fleet Admiral, the highest rank, holds the utmost authority and power.

Fleet Admiral

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (Fandom)

The Fleet Admirals (Gensui) are the highest-ranking Marines, working directly under the Commander-in-chief and the Five Elders. They embody both supreme power and authority, typically attired in a personalized white suit adorned with pure gold epaulets and white cuffs.

Empowered to initiate a Buster Call independently or delegate commands to lower-ranking officers, Fleet Admirals possess the exclusive authority to strip a Warlord of the Sea of their title. Presently, Sakazuki, also known as Akainu, holds the position of Fleet Admiral. Prior to the Marineford war, this role was occupied by Sengoku.

Former Fleet Admirals Current Fleet Admiral
Kong (Commander-in-Chief now) Sakazuki
Sengoku (Inspector General now)

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (Fandom)

The Admirals (Taishō) in One Piece hold the second highest rank in the Marines. They are formidable figures, widely recognized as the World Government’s “Greatest Military Powers”. Their uniform typically consists of their personal attire beneath a Justice coat adorned with golden epaulets and cuffs, the colors of which vary among Admirals.

With the Fleet Admiral, Admirals alone wield the authority to initiate the Buster Call, presenting a formidable threat. Their presence signifies imminent gravity. Aokiji’s departure and Akainu’s ascension filled vacancies, with Fujitora and Ryokugyu assuming roles alongside Kizaru, constituting the current trio of Admirals in One Piece.

Former Admirals Current Admirals
Sakazuki (Fleet Admiral) Kizaru
Sengoku (Promoted) Fujitora
Aokiji (Resigned) Ryokugyu
Vice Admiral

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (Fandom)

The Fleet Admiral and Admirals stand as the most formidable Marines, yet challenging the Vice Admirals (Chūjō) would prompt second thoughts in anyone. Occupying the third highest Marine rank in One Piece, their authority and formidable power are readily apparent.

Vice Admirals wield power and possess versatile abilities, spanning from Swordsmanship to Rokushiki. An essential requirement for attaining this rank is a comprehensive understanding and proficiency in Haki within the One Piece universe. Beyond this rank, mastery of Haki is ubiquitous. For instance, Monkey D. Garp exemplified exceptional proficiency in Haki during his prime.

  • Curious about why a formidable marine like Monkey D. Garp remains at this rank? The answer lies in the fact that advancement beyond Vice Admiral places individuals directly under the authority of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government—a fate Garp vehemently opposes, leading him to decline promotions.
  • The prevalence of Giants among the ranks of Marines attaining Vice Admiral status underscores their incredible strength and qualifications.
  • During a Buster Call, five Vice Admirals are dispatched to assist.

Some notable Vice Admirals in One Piece include:

Former Current
Jaguar D. Saul (deserted) Monkey D. Garp
Sakazuki (promoted to Admiral) John Giant
Aokiji (promoted to Admiral) Tsuru
Kizaru (promoted to Admiral) Smoker
Vergo (Deceased) Gion
Rear Admiral

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (Fandom)Rear Admiral (Shōshō) is the lowest position among Admirals, yet it ranks fourth within the Marines. They wield influence over lower-ranking marines, yet possess the least power among Admirals. However, this doesn’t diminish their individual prowess.

Strong and esteemed, some rear admirals are granted extra authority and responsibilities. Hina exemplifies this, standing as a notable rear admiral.

Former Rear Admirals Current Rear Admirals
X-Drake (Undercover & Captain of SWORD) Hina
Strawberry (Vice Admiral now) Prince Grus

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (Fandom)

Commodore (Junshō) is above Marine captains, having absolute authority over lower-ranking marines. They rank fifth in the Marines, handling missions and matters too significant for Captains and others.

For instance, Daigin, tasked with capturing Luffy in Impel Down, held the rank of Commodore. Brannew, also a Commodore, is responsible for assigning bounties to pirates, including some of the highest in One Piece, reporting directly to the Fleet Admiral. He represents a unique case among Commodores.

Deciphering One Piece's Marine Ranking System
Former Commodores Current Commodores
Smoker (promoted to Vice Admiral) Brannew
Pudding Pudding (Deceased) Daigin

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (Fandom)

The Captain (Taisa) position marks a pivotal moment for those ascending in the Marines. Captains command Marine branches stationed across various islands in the One Piece world. They embark on sea voyages to apprehend threatening pirates, ensuring peace prevails. In absence of higher-ranking officers, a Marine Captain assumes leadership aboard the ship.

Captains, revered as formidable marine officers, command respect among pirates. Many renowned Marines wield potent devil fruit abilities and exceptional combat skills. They boast extensive knowledge and strategic expertise. Beloved figures like Koby and Tashigi have ascended to the rank of Captain. Notably, Shu, who once shattered one of Zoro’s swords, now holds the same esteemed position. Among the notable Captains in One Piece are:

Former Captains Current Captains
Smoker (promoted to Commodore) Koby
Morgan (Discharged) Tashigi
Hina (promoted to Rear Admiral) Shu
Vergo (promoted to Vice Admiral) Sharinguru
T-Bone (promoted to Rear Admiral) Very Good

The Commander (Chūsa), Lieutenant Commander (Shōsa), Lieutenant (Taii), and Lieutenant Junior Grade (Chūi) are well-known ranks in the Marines. But we lack comprehensive information on these ranks, and their distinctions remain unclear. Donquixote Rosinante, featured in Law’s flashback, is a notable commander. The Lieutenant Commander is occasionally referred to as a Major, with Jango and Helmeppo being notable officers seen in the anime.


Ensign (Shōi) is the last and lowest rank in the Commissioned Marine Officers division. They wear the Kanji “正義” sign for justice on their clothing. All Marine officers from this rank and above wear the justice badge. Before Tashigi (one of the best female characters in One Piece) became a Captain, she was an Ensign.

Infantry and Sailor Division

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (IMDB)

The Infantry and Sailor division, also part of the Marines, includes various roles. They are tasked with missions and carry them out as per the Commissioned Officers’ orders. The roles in this division are:

Warrant Officer

The Warrant Officer holds the highest position in the Infantry and Sailor division. No characters currently hold this rank.

Master Chief Petty Officer

Master Chief Petty Officer (Jun’i), also known as Petty Officer First Class, ranks second in the Infantry Division in the Marines. Tashigi and Koby, favorites among us, previously served as Master Chief Petty Officers before earning promotions.

Chief Petty Officer

Chief Petty Officer (Gunsō) is the second tier of petty officers. Information about this position remains limited. However, notable figures like “Axe-Hand” Morgan and Helmeppo, a father-son duo, have served as Chief Petty Officers in One Piece.

Petty Officer

Petty Officer (Gochō), also known as Petty Officer Third Class, holds the fifteenth highest rank in the Marines. Upon reaching this rank, Marines gain authorization to wear various uniforms, including civilian attire, though many prefer the traditional sailor-like uniform.

Historically, there are no documented figures who previously held this title. However, non-canon characters like the antagonist Zephyr (from One Piece Film: Z) and Komei (from the Adventure of Nebulandia special) have served as former Petty Officers.

Seaman Workers

Seaman First Class (Ittōhei), Seaman Apprentice (Nitōhei), and Seaman Recruit (Santōhei) are ranks in the Infantry and Sailor Division in One Piece Marines. They are trained soldiers who accompany Captains on missions and can assist in battles. Detailed information on their ranks is lacking, and the distinction between these ranks is also unclear.

Chore Boy

Image Courtesy – One Piece by Toei Animation Studios (IMDB)

From their title, you can already infer their role at marine bases: maintaining the bases and equipment used by Marines. Chore Boy is the lowest rank, with members wearing blue trousers and a plain white shirt. Notably, Koby and Helmeppo became Chore Boys in the Koby and Helmeppo Arc in One Piece.

Special Marine Ranks


The position of World Government’s Commander-in-Chief holds significant importance, being directly affiliated with the Marine. It surpasses that of Fleet Admiral, placing its holder under the direct authority of the Five Elders. With absolute power, the Commander-in-Chief commands not only the entire Marine organization but also the Cipher Pols and the now-disbanded Warlord of the Seas. They possess the authority to issue orders to anyone, with only the Five Elders able to countermand their decisions. Promotion to this esteemed role is contingent upon exceptional performance as Fleet Admiral, exemplified by Kong’s elevation to Commander-in-Chief after Sengoku.

The Inspector General (Ōmetsuke) is a special rank tasked solely with monitoring and investigating corruption, mismanagement, and misconduct within the Marine organization. Currently, the only known individual holding this position is former Fleet Admiral Sengoku.


Instructor (Kyōkan) is the final special rank, characterized by its prestigious role in coaching Marine recruits to advance in power and rank. Typically, esteemed Marines transitioning from active duty are invited to become instructors to influence future generations positively.

Garp retains his Vice Admiral title while also taking on the role of Instructor in One Piece. He mentors Koby and Helmeppo, who have risen to high ranks under his guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the most powerful Marine in One Piece?

Currently, Monkey D. Garp holds the title based on his powers and experience. However, this status might change as there are numerous formidable admirals with versatile devil fruit abilities in One Piece who could surpass Garp.

Who are the 3 Marine admirals in One Piece?

Following Aokiji’s departure and Akainu’s promotion to fleet admiral, Fujitora and Ryokugyu assumed the vacant Admiral positions. Thus, Kizaru, along with Fujitora and Ryokugyu, constitutes the trio of admirals in One Piece.

Marine Ranks in One Piece

There are 19 ranks in the Marines system. Below is a detailed list.

Explaining Marine Ranks in One Piece

In One Piece, we’ve witnessed various Marines, from iconic figures like Garp to formidable ones like Akainu and Kizaru. Ryokugu, the newest Admiral with extraordinary devil fruit abilities, has recently joined their ranks. As the series approaches its climax, we anticipate the ultimate clash between pirates and Marines. We aim to simplify and elucidate the Marines’ ranking system. This article will be updated as needed, reflecting any changes or new ranks. Stay tuned for more Marine-related content, and share your favorite rank in the comments below.