Recently, Samsung introduced the Galaxy A7 (Rs. 23,990) in India. Positioned as a premium mid-range option, it distinguishes itself from other mid-range offerings by the company with a subtle design update, a triple camera setup, and an unconventional fingerprint scanner placement. Equipped with an Exynos 7885 SoC and 4/6GB of RAM, its performance aligns with other premium mid-range devices in this price range. If you’re considering the Galaxy A7 for its performance, let us assist you in making an informed decision. Here’s our review of its performance and gaming capabilities:
Samsung Galaxy A7 Performance and Gaming Review
As mentioned earlier, the Galaxy A7 features an Exynos 7885 SoC, which falls between the mid-range Snapdragon 636 and Snapdragon 660 processors from Qualcomm. To assess the processor’s performance accurately, we conducted benchmarks such as AnTuTu, Geekbench 4, and 3DMark.
Galaxy A7 Benchmarks
To evaluate benchmark results, we installed AnTuTu, Geekbench 4, and 3DMark on the Galaxy A7 upon unboxing, providing insight into its performance. The scores are in line with expectations for a device of this caliber. The Galaxy A7 scored 122609 on AnTuTu, trailing the Snapdragon 660-powered Vivo V11 Pro at 128304 but outperforming Snapdragon 636-powered devices such as the Redmi Note 5 Pro, Nokia 6.1 Plus, ZenFone Max Pro, and Motorola One Power.
Geekbench 4 reveals that the Galaxy A7 achieved a single-core score of 1513 and a multi-core score of 4359. While the Exynos 7885 in the Galaxy A7 surpassed the Snapdragon 660 in the Vivo V11 Pro in single-core performance, it trailed in multi-core performance.
Furthermore, in 3DMark’s Sling Shot Extreme tests, the Galaxy A7 scored 735 in OpenGL and 695 in Vulkan, both notably lower than the scores of the Vivo V11 Pro. Despite lagging behind in benchmarks compared to the Snapdragon 660-powered Vivo V11 Pro, the real-world performance of the Galaxy A7 remained unaffected by these numerical disparities.
Galaxy A7 Gaming Performance
Considering the synthetic benchmark results mentioned, one might anticipate the Galaxy A7 to perform poorly in gaming. However, contrary to expectations, it holds its own. Although it may not excel like the Vivo V11 Pro in graphically demanding games such as PUBG Mobile, it handles most Android games comfortably. To evaluate its gaming capabilities, we tested it with PUBG Mobile, Mortal Kombat X, and Shadowgun Legends. Here’s our assessment:
Compared to the Vivo V11 Pro, which smoothly handled the most graphically demanding games at medium settings, the Galaxy A7 fell short. In PUBG Mobile, it defaulted to medium graphics, but I encountered stuttering and frame drops immediately. The main problem arose when panning the camera, resulting in frequent frame drops, significantly impacting aiming.
With 4GB RAM, the device’s loading of map artifacts was excessively slow, resulting in indistinct blobs of color until landing after jumping from the plane. Multitasking also suffered, with the device struggling to handle more than two heavy games simultaneously.
Featuring a notchless display, the Galaxy A7 avoided game cropping issues. However, Mortal Kombat X failed to optimize properly, leaving large empty spaces on the top and bottom, thereby increasing bezel size and detracting from the experience.
Shadowgun Legends ran smoothly on the device with minimal stuttering or frame drops. However, I encountered issues with frame drops while panning the camera. Aiming in the game was particularly challenging during intense fights with many enemies and particle effects. Lighter titles posed no problem.
Overall, the gaming performance of the Samsung Galaxy A7 fell short of my expectations. I wouldn’t recommend it for gaming enthusiasts. Instead, consider the Poco F1 or the Vivo V11 Pro, both excellent choices for gaming.
Samsung Galaxy A7 Performance and Gaming Review: Not Ideal for Gaming
Priced at Rs. 23,990, the Galaxy A7 doesn’t offer top performance for its price. It struggles with graphically intensive titles like PUBG Mobile unless graphics are set to low. However, I encountered no issues with lighter titles or daily use, indicating its overall adequacy.
So, if you primarily play demanding games, consider the Poco F1. But if gaming isn’t your focus, the Galaxy A7 is a suitable choice.
Buy from Flipkart (Rs. 23,990)
Pritam Chopra is a seasoned IT professional and a passionate blogger hailing from the dynamic realm of technology. With an insatiable curiosity for all things tech-related, Pritam has dedicated himself to exploring and unraveling the intricacies of the digital world.